Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A New Plan

I have assembled a NEW learn-to-read plan for Cherub 5, comprised of books I have used in the past but did not have on my bookshelves currently. So they are now printed and we used them for the first time today with a tiny bit of success. She was pleased with the new materials (and I was pleased that they were free, less ink and paper use.)
Remedial Reading Drills By: Hegge, Kirk, & Kirk 1965 (c/o Don Potter FREE online 2005)
Word Mastery By: Akin 1913, 1941 (c/o Don Potter FREE online)

And while I was hunting, I found some FREE Primers as well to use with her once things get going --- to keep some "variety and interest" to her read aloud time with me (and to prevent so much memorization).
A Primary Reader By: Smythe
Reading Literature THE PRIMER By: Harriette Taylor Treadwell
Reading Literature THE FIRST READER By: Harriette Taylor Treadwell
Fairy Stories and Fables By: James Baldwin

And finally, this is a site where I found even more FREE primers, early-reading instruction resources, and phonics materials --- just in case someone else is looking for resources.

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