... to have a husband who has come to know Our Lord through the years, right along with me.
... to have a husband who enjoys playing board games at home with the family for anniversary "dates" just as much as romantic outings.
... to have a husband who taught me how to change diapers and care for our firstborn, because he had a lot more experience than I did.
... to have a husband who never hesitated to change diapers, give baths, and pick up toys, for all those years when the children were younger.
... to have a husband who prefers flannel sheets and PJs, as do I.
... to have a husband who always meets me (or beats me to it even) at the bedside of a crying sick child, in the middle of the night. And who very often sends me back to bed, and who spends a sleepless night giving comfort only a Dad can. (He has always said that I take the day shift, while he takes the night shift.)
... to have a husband who adores me, and reminds me that he adores me many times every day.
... to have a husband who agrees that sharing a late night dessert is more romantic than weekends for two.
... to have a husband who really never was a cat person, but who loves our cats because I do.
... to have a husband who does not care for the outdoors, but who is often found muddy and with a shovel or tiller in his hand, in the name of "helping" me with my outdoor projects.
... to have a husband who says I look beautiful wearing my overalls, hair a mess, and mud streaks on my face (gardening days).
... to have a husband who took more than a share of those "sleepless nights" when our babies would not sleep, and I often found him snuggled with the babe in his arms, sound asleep on the couch or the rocker, so the baby did not wake me.
... to have a husband who goes with the flow, even at high tide and during tsumai's. (HA !)
... to have a husband who is dedicated to our family, working very hard to provide.
... to have a husband who has been ever-so patient with my quirks through the years (and there are many quirks).
... to have a husband who never ends a phone call without saying I LOVE YOU.
... to have a husband who was patient when I was learning to cook, and who always asked for seconds (even when the neighborhood opossum refused my hand-outs).
... to have a husband who never let's me go to bed mad, and who always kisses me good night.
... to have a husband who is always supportive of his "creative" wife's grand plans.
... to have a husband who chooses to work from home just so that he can be here with his wife and children more.
... to have a husband who always stops what he is doing whenever the children or I need him.
... to have a husband who speaks his mind freely with complete truth.
... to have a husband with whom I have more in common that anyone else I have ever met.
... to have a husband who decided to take over all of the laundry duties when I hurt my back last winter, and who insists it will only hurt me if he returns this job to me.
... to have a husband who just smiles while he keeps my techonology (tv, dvd player, laptop) up and running, because I am a technology-dummy and am forever messing something up.
... to have a husband who is never intimidated by others, nor swayed by the "fads".
... to have a husband who loves each of our children unconditionally.
... to have a husband who loves me, often in spite of myself.
God blessed me beyond measure years ago ....
and November 23rd was our 15th wedding anniversary.
Thank you Lord !!
And, thank you DadToCherubs for loving me !!
I love you more with every passing day !!
Happy Anniversary!! I agree you have a good man there!
Happy Anniversary!! Congrats!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!
How wonderful! Happy anniversary and may God bless you with many more wonderful years.
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