Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Audio Books

The age old statements and questions from children on a longggg car ride ---- WHAT CAN I DO ?? I'M BORED !! THERE'S NOTHING TO DO IN HERE. ARE WE THERE YET ??
I will begin by saying that I am ANTI-CAR-TELEVISION. Occassionally we will take one single Netflix documentary or something educational "on the road" for a long trip, but it is extremely rare for us to break out the car-tv system at all. Radio gets old, not to mention the difficulty of finding family-friendly stations. And we have tried travel games, but the pieces are so tiny and get lost easily, so they ended up being more of a hinderance than a help.
That being said -- we are facing A LOT of driving on our trip North. We will drive 9 hours from home to our first destination, and then several hours on several different occasions in between, and then 9 hours back home. (We estimate over 20 hours of driving time will be accumulated on the whole trip combined - YIKES !!)
So .... we have a NEW plan !!
We are downloading FREE audio books for our whole family to listen to in the car. I found some fantastic titles (many from various Ambleside years). DadToCherubs is going to download them and then burn them to CDs so that we can play them on the car stereo (CD player).
Great books, entertainment, with an investment of a little bit of time and a few pennies per CD. WOW !! And as homeschoolers, we can add these titles to our Reading Lists for the year -- school on the road.
If you are looking for FREE audio books for a trip or just for at-home use, be sure to check these sites:

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