Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Great Sunflower Project

We have decided to participate in a "Bee Count" called The Great Sunflower Project .
And we want to invite you to participate too !
What is The Great Sunflower Project all about , you ask ??
Quoted from the Project site: "By watching and recording the bees at sunflowers in your garden, you can help us understand the challenges that bees are facing. We'll be sending out annual Lemon Queen sunflower seeds in early March 2009. Just in time to plant!
---It takes less than 30 minutes.
---It's easy.
---Free Sunflower seeds for planting.
---No knowledge of bees required!
Enter your bee counts online or send us your paper form. We would love to have you
join us. Let’s help our most important pollinators together!"

There is a red dot on here in order to create a Map Of The First 26,000 Participants registered to "count" in this year's Great Sunflower Project: Hunt For The Bees. WOW - that's a lot of people !! But, there is no such thing as TOO MANY COUNTERS .... every bit of information and every "counter" who submits data is needed !
About the Bee Count, the site says "The data you collect from your sunflower will be a start. It will provide an insight into how our green spaces in the urban, suburban and rural landscapes are connected as well as shedding light on how to help pollinators. What we need are innovative strategies to maximize the benefits of our wild and semi-wild habitat remnants. The Great Sunflower Project is the first step."
Bees are our #1 pollinators, and they are in trouble. To learn more about our Bee Crisis, check out Where Did The Bees Go ? . There are several links to great articles which detail this crisis and what it means.
So, why not participate in the count .... for the Bee's sake ?!?! Sign up to participate in The Great Sunflower Project .


Barb said...

We are participating this year for the first time. I think it is a great project and we have noticed a considerable decrease in our bee population in our area of CA.

We have a friend that is a bee keeper and he has seen the same thing in his local travels.

Beekeeping is something that I have long been interested in but I just don't have the time.

Can you wait for those sunflowers? I am soooo ready for summer.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

We're going to "bee" doing this, too! (Couldn't resist!) It should "bee" very interesting. (Ok, I'll stop now; this could go on all day!)

Thanks for submitting this to the CM carnival! ♥

MasterpieceMom said...

I signed up about 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting on my seeds. I'm so excited. I have to get the kids out today to get their garden beds ready for planting!

keri said...

Although I am not participating, I have just planted sunflower seeds.
They seem to be the only thing that I can grow well!
I had some wonderful flowers growing last year!

Jeanne said...

I don't think they'll want Aussies in their bee project! On the other hand, the idea of watching and recording the bees on our sunflowers sounds great!! I'll file this away for next summer!
