Monday, September 13, 2010

Multitude Monday: One Thousand Gifts

601.  First day of school – excitement, expectations, education.
602.  Cool mornings - some when I could almost use a sweater.
603.  Air conditioning off, curtains blowing with gentle breezes.
604.  Camping with Scouts.
605.  Quenching rain.
606.  Laundry caught up.  For the moment at least.
607.  Delivering firewood cut from trimmings to dear friends.
608.  Tiny touches of red and gold in the green of the mountains – the coming of Autumn.
609.  Fresh baked bread; first loaf made by Cherub 3.  It was delicious.
610.  Warm oatmeal on cool mornings.
611.  DadToCherubs began his diet, and is beginning to lose.  Hooray !
612.  A very smooth first week of school completed.
613.  Heartfelt discussions with Cherubs - they are growing up so quickly.
614.  Cinnamon’s limp – it was just a sting or bite.  Praise the Lord !
615. Giggles shared with the girls, late at night.
616.  Horse-y playdate coming up --- how fun !
617.  Swimming and splashing together at Indian Boundary.
618.  Warm tea shared during our Bedtime Read Alouds.
619.  Solid school plans, clear to-do’s for every day.
620.  A successful beginning for our local homeschool support group.

Would you like to join in the counting of the many blessings Our Father bestows on us ?  Visit here to learn more about the Gratitude Community, or simply visit Ann Voscamp's A Holy Experience.

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