All 6 Becks' Bounty Cherubs have played soccer with our local AYSO organization. It is the sort of league where everyone plays regardless of their ability, where the teams are divided to keep them even, where good sportsmanship is required of players and spectators, and where the game is set up so that everyone learns to play and HAVE FUN. It is a wonderful program.
DadToCherubs and I are on the AYSO Soccer Board, volunteering. DadToCherubs referees many games each season. And we have coached all of our Cherub's teams for most of their playing time, with a few exceptions. They all enjoyed playing, and of course benefitted from learning a sport, team playing, and the exercise. They liked it. They never really took it very seriously (which was fine), but they really enjoyed it.
Through the years we have realized that not one of the other Cherubs LOVED the game as much as one particular Cherub. And this is her story ....
Cherub 5 (now 9yo) was born in November. And she was fiesty from her very first breath, never still and always trying to move around.
She learned crawl the following spring on the soccer fields while I was coaching Cherub 2's U-8 team and a U-6 team for Cherub 3. She would crawl with a soccer ball in front of her, sitting from time to time just so that she could push the ball with her feet.
Then, Cherub 1 started standing up, and took her first steps the next spring (just over 1yo), again on the soccer fields. This time, DadToCherubs and I were coaching Cherub 1's U-10 team. Wide open space, soft green grass, nothing to run or fall into -- the perfect setting for a toddler just learning to walk. She also loved the soccer balls -- she was learning to walk while shuffling a soccer ball in front of her -- up and down that HUGE field she went, again and again. She was tireless, and a fire-ball ! And by the end of that spring season, she was running .... everywhere ... with a soccer ball at her feet.
Then, in the fall, DadToCherubs and I coached Cherub 1's U-10 team again. Cherub 5 (almost 2yo at this time) was determined to "practice" right along with the U-10 boys team -- dribbling, kicking, running -- even shooting on the goal. She was an adorable little fireball on the field .... tirelessly dribbling the ball up and down the field ... never once sitting down or slowing down. Here she was, not quite 2yo, playing soccer with "duh bee-g boyzz" (they way she said "the big boys"). She did not want any part of the playground, the wildflowers, the other children, or watching -- she wanted to "pwwayyyy sok-uh" (the way she said "play soccer").
Through that whole season, and several other seasons, Cherub 5 played right along with whichever team DadToCherubs and I were coaching (in practices only, of course). She was not intimidated by the bigger kids, and was truly fearless with her "sok-uh bawl" (soccer ball) -- dribbling the ball as fast as her little feet could carry her, shooting on the goal, challenging the children in tireless attempts to steal the ball from them. It was so funny to watch. The older boys thought it was so cool -- they took turns stealing the ball from her (playfully !) and letting her steal it back, chasing her as she dribbled down the field. It was hysterical to watch. They cheered her on while they practiced.
Finally, when she was 4yo, she was old enough to play on a U-5 team. And boy oh boy was she pleased. It was the year that DadToCherubs had had his strokes, so we were not coaching any teams. She played that first season for a wonderful coach named R.S. .... and she played hard, scoring many many goals in a game, dribbling around the other players, and was often the only child bold enough to "steal" the ball from anyone who happened to have it (including her own team - oops !).
Who knew what was to come .... way back then .... in her toddler years as she learned to crawl and then walk on those fields ... as she played tirelessly alongside her siblings teams, including 10yo boys. We never once imagined what was going on in that little tiny person ... we never realized the "love of the game" that had been ignited in her for soccer .... we never knew how serious she would become about her "sok-uh".
Cherub 5 has played every single season since then. I coached her teams for two seasons at the U-6 level. Then I coached again when we moved her up a year early to the U-8 level, because she begged to play on a team that had a goalie. She begged to play "real" soccer. She played at the U-8 level for 4 seasons.
Then, last fall, she was to move up to the U-10 level. Before AYSO sign-ups, she asked DadToCherubs and I if she could try out for the competative team in town. DadToCherubs and I decided against it, for multiple reasons. So, instead, she played AYSO U-10 soccer for a wonderful coach (thanks T.W.) who taught her a lot of about strategy, taught her not to steal the ball from her own team (HA !), and also forced her to learn to PASS the ball (she is a bit of a ball-hog). She did really well playing for him. But, she said, "It still isn't enough." Cherub 5 asked over and over again about playing for the competative team. In her AYSO league, she was occassionally challenged by another player who could play as well as she played, but otherwise she had little real competition. And she WANTED competition. She said she wanted to really have to "fight" for the ball -- to have to play her hardest and still have to fight. She asked several more times through the season about the competative teams. And DadToCherubs and I hesitated to look into another program, much less one that was "serious". We had been so heavily involved with AYSO for nearly 10 years, coaching, refereeing, and on the board -- and it truly is such a great program - so we said no, again and again.
This winter we realized just how much Cherub 5 really truly LOVES the game; she loves it more than anyone else in our family. It's not about the goals and the speed and the activity -- she LOVES soccer. We joke that she has soccer in her blood. She has loved the game since she crawled on the fields with a ball in front of her ... since she took those first steps as a baby, dribbling a ball at her feet ... since she toddled along at a "run" with a ball at her feet .... since she played with the big boys. Her life revolves around SOCCER, even when it is not soccer season. She plays hard whether at team practice, in team games, or here at home with her siblings or friends (if they are brave enough to even play with her). She rarely has a day without playing with a soccer ball at some point. She works hard to improve her skills all year round, and has been saying (at age 9yo) over and over again for the last several seasons that she wants to REALLY learn how to play more seriously ...... begging us to give her the chance ..... that she wants to learn better ball control, how to shoot better, more strategy, more competative games ... that she wants to play with and against children who as strong or stronger. She wants to "fight" to help her team win a game ... she wants to "fight" to keep the ball ... she wants to play hard with other people who play hard too.
Before this Spring season began, Cherub 5 again talked to us, pleading, wanting to audition for our local competative league. We decided against it, again. Cherub 5 was assigned to a U-10 AYSO team. She wanted to play this season, so she was ok with our decision. She talked to us about competative soccer again after her first AYSO practice, second AYSO practice, and first AYSO game ... she must have asked a million times (or so it seemed).
DadToCherubs and I were still very hesitant -- would it be "too" serious ? would "too much" competition diminish her love of the game ? did we really want to leave a wonderful program (AYSO) for uncharted territory with a new league that has a much more "serious" perspective. Even with her asking, would a different league (more serious) be the right decision for Cherub 5 ? But she was persistant -- Cherub 5 has been asking about this league for nearly 2 full years. And so, this past weekend, DadToCherubs and I were left wondering --- should we just let her try it, since she is so determined ?
After a lot more pestering (and nagging and begging) from Cherub 5, we agreed that I would try to contact the founder of the competative league, N.C., on Monday We knew that their season began long ago, so we would ask if perhaps next season Cherub 5 could audition for this new league of competative soccer. I called Monday morning, while supervised by Cherub 5, and left a voicemail message.
Late Monday afternoon, N.C. returned my call. I was surprised that this woman knew of Cherub 5 (by reputation). She invited Cherub 5 to audition that very afternoon because they had one opening on one of their teams this season. DadToCherubs agreed to let her try out .... after we had some more information. So, I peppered N.C. with questions ....
I learned that in the competative league, the teams are coached and co-coached by players on the local college's men's and women's soccer teams, rather than parents and various other willing volunteers. The entire program was founded and is run by Head Soccer Coaches (men's and women's) for the college. So, after hearing that, we are fairly confident that there will be a higher level of "skill" and "strategy" guiding these players and teams, which is what Cherub 5 has been begging for. It is certainly a more "serious" soccer than we could ever provide for Cherub 5, even considering years of playing soccer ourselves and coaching soccer.
We are still a bit concerned about the level of competition among children, in general. These teams play to WIN .... those who play are there to bring a WIN ... so essentially, WINNING is the point of the league, of the teams, and for the players. And if a player is not doing what is necessary to win, they are put on the bench and another player played in their place. So, we will see how that all works out for Cherub 5. She is fiersely competative, but we also do not want that "win" effort to become defining or damaging for her character. So we will watch very carefully. And time will tell ....
Back to the audition on Monday afternoon --OH MY -- we have never seen Cherub 5 so nervous !! She knew a few of the children from longggg past AYSO teams, and two of them greeted her excitedly. She fumbled and bumbled during the session; she kicked with her toes a few times, she missed passes sent her way, and she even tripped over the ball she was dribbling (which I have never actually seen her do since her toddler years) .... her nervousness almost took complete control of her. But she was also obviously over-joyed at the opportunity to try out, smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen, eyes sparkling. She said that she wanted to do this "to see if I am good enough". (and I worried) She played hard desite some mishaps, and gave it her BEST, at times overcoming her nervousness and managing to play well. Poor little cherub 5 -- she trembled and shook through the whole 2 hour practice (her audition was done by participation in a full practice). We have never seen her SOOO nervous about anything before, much less about soccer ! (and we were privately getting more and more concerned about her reaction if she did not make the team and about how she would hold up under this kind of stress !)
Cherub 5 came home on Monday evening, very subdued and very tired. She had a great time playing, even joking about some of her own mishaps and mistakes. (She can usually manage to laugh at her own mistakes. She's not THAT serious, but then this wasn't a game either. HA !) She even openly admitted that she was exhausted. (That never happens - Cherub 5 is never tired ! But this team did a lot more running than her AYSO teams ever did !) She said that those girls were tough to play with and against - that they played even harder than she did - even admitting she had to work extra hard, harder than ever before. And just before bedtime, Cherub 5 was nearly in tears as she admitted being quite worried -- "did I make it, or didn't I?" and "am I really good enough ?" (and I poured our worries out in prayer).
On Tuesday the competative league coach was supposed to call to let us know if she made the team. Cherub 5 could not contain her excitement. She was up with the sun, dying to know the results of her audition. Every time the phone rang, she practically came out of her skin. Cherub 5 could not concentrate on anything .... she paced and paced and worried and wondered .... allll day !! She drew soccer balls all over most of her school work. Hummmmmmmmmmmm. And I worried even more .... would she make it .... how would she handle not making it .... could she really handle all of this stress .... would she still love the game if she didn't make the team ... MORE PRAYERS .... MORE AND MORE ....
Finally, very late in the afternoon, on the call finally came .... SHE WAS ACCEPTED !! Cherub 5 smiled from ear to ear, and startling trembling all over again, but this time with excitement. She was bouncing all through the house, telling everyone over and over again ... I MADE IT !! I MADE IT !!
Cherub 5 was invited to join the team for the remainder of the season (through early June, I think).
She has practiced twice since that call came in (and also resigned from her AYSO team because she cannot be in two leagues at the same time, according to rules), and has also attended an additional "ball control skills session". Each of those events have inspired her to work even harder -- she has been dribbling the ball all over house (it's been raining a lot so she is stuck inside), "faking out" those who pass her in various rooms, lifting the ball ever-so-gently onto and off of the furniture .... she has even tried getting the ball up the staircase using just her feet. She is frustrated that it has been raining so much ... and I just do not have the heart to punish her for playing ball in the house (against the rules) .... she desparately wants to get outside to do some shooting and trapping ... but that is going to have to wait, since we have gotten 2" of rain in the past 48 hours. And I will continue to bite my tongue about playing soccer in the house ... this time, at least.
At the third practice, the team had a mini-scrimmage .... and although Cherub 5 played well, it was interesting to see her have to really work super hard to steal the ball, to get around the other players, and to score. It was really cool to see her play with players who matched her ability level. The number of goals she scored was significantly less than ever before .... but at the end of the match, she was most excited because she was challenged by players that could keep up with her speed and with her skills. She even lost track of the number of goals she scored in that scrimmage-game ... which has NEVER happened before.
There is another practice this afternoon (assuming it is not rained out), and another Ball-Control Skills Session tomorrow.
Cherub 5 looks forward to practices more than before ... she chatters about in the car about what she has learned so far, what they might teach her today, and also about the things she wants to learn how to do.
On Saturday she will play in her first game with this new team and new league. She can barely contain her excitement ... and has talked of little else. The thrill of the game is nearly consuming her, but the nervousness (thankfully) appears to be gone. She is looking foward to playing with a whole team that runs hard, plays hard, and plays to WIN. And she is also excited about playing against a team with those same abilities.
It should be quite an interesting game to watch !
So, DadToCherubs and I are excited for her ... a bit nervous ... and we are ever-watchful, of course. We debated making this "move" for the last 2 years and always decided against it every time. Cherub 5's persistance moved us .... this time is different .... this time it appears that it is Cherub 5's moment ... she wants "more" ... more competition, more intensive training, more skills ... and now, hopefully, she will have it.
Please pray for Cherub 5 !! Please pray for her involvement with the new program. We ask that God bless her with safety and good health, and that IF this is the right place for her, that He will make the way for her.