Christ spoke of treasures .... declaring that whatever is a treasure on earth, there the (person's) heart is also. Recently God has been pressing on my heart that my priorities are a bit out of order. I have tried to keep my heart focused intently on Our Father. However, it has become abundantly clear that there are "places" in my life where the "treasures" on earth (and the want-to-do's and need-to-do's in life) are getting in the way of my relationship with God (and with others), God's ability to use me for His Purposes, and His Abundant Love ...
I intend to continue to strive toward living a more simple life, only now with a more determined effort to keep my eyes and heart focused on God at each and every step. Also, with regard to living simply, I resolve to rely solely on God's Wisdom rather than my own, through careful diligent (daily) study of His Holy Word, the Bible.
I intend to give more ... of myself. Love, time, resources, assistance, praise, encouragement, understanding .... to be the "salt and light" , the "servant", and the "virtuous woman" that God calls me to be.
I intend lower my expectations of others and of myself, and to, instead, allow God to set the parameters.
* I intend to LIVE WELL meaning that I am going to focus seriously on making every day "count" for Christ, and for those I love.
I intend to LAUGH (more) OFTEN .... inspired by the verse which says "make a joyful noise unto the Lord". I feel convicted that my heart is not as "joyful" as it once was ....
LOVE MUCH .... I intend to love ALL others with the unconditional love of God ... to see in every person the image of Christ (as recommended by Mother Teresa of Calcutta when asked how she "stomached" serving the poor and the sickest of society). I intend to express this love more freely and more often ... His Love. I intend to be more gentle in my words (and to say fewer of them). I intend to give more encouragement and praise to those around me.
*And lastly, I intend to complete a very in-depth study of Proverbs 31 -- with prayer, His Grace, and His Mercy, I indend to very seriously undertake the "work" needed to become this Godly woman in 2009.
It is my humble prayer that God continue to work in my heart, that I might be a blessing to those around me .... "a light unto the world" .... "far above rubies" ....
Here is the song (Create In Me A Clean Heart, by Keith Green) on my heart as I lift these petitions in prayer.