Monday, February 02, 2009


Isn't it beautiful ?
I'll bet DadToCherub's Aunt (GranAnnie)
would say she is sick of looking at it.
She lives in Connecticut and has had lots of snow.
But when it is so rare, as it is here,
a snow-covered landscape
The Diva (Daisy), resting after romping in the snow.
When watching her romp,
it was hard to believe she is at least 16yo.

" Mom & Dad" created with love by 6 Cherubs.

Note the BIG smile and the closed eyes.
The snowflakes kept landing in Cherub 6's eyes
so he had to keep them closed tightly (so he explained).

Bella, our Great Pyrenees, had a GRAND time.
She romped and played, ran, dove into snow piles,
lapped up flakes, chomped down snowballs,
and had a grand time.
What a hoot she was to watch !

Another snowDAD.

With every conflict the question is asked ....
Who fired the first shot ??
Well, HERE is the official "starter" of the Snow War.

I have it on good authority from 6 "unbiased" Cherubs
that today was THE BEST SNOW DAY EVER.
While just over an inch of snow fell today,
our Cherubs (and dogs) certainly made the best of it !!

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