We awoke this morning to find that all of the snow was still on the ground. We checked the weather and learned that the predicted high temperature today is a bit of 32. Burrrr !! And so ......
BACKGROUND: DadToCherubs said that he expected as much when we discussed the "situation" last night, while watching the children sled for "one more hour" between 9-10pm in the shining headlights. Quietly, we hatched our "Tuesday Plan" in whispers covered well by hoots, hollars, shrieks, and the swooooosh of toboggans sailing down the hill. (insert evil laugh here) The neighbors must think we are completely crazy ! HA !! Afterwards, everyone headed to bed quickly and quietly because "tomorrow is a school day".
Early this morning, just as the children were getting out their school books this morning, I declared a SCHOOL DELAY (DadToCherubs secret "Tuesday Plan").
The agreement is that when we have lunch today (around 12noon), we will begin our school work after we are finished eating.
So, six Cherubs raced to get bundled up in the coats, snowpants, hats, and gloves, all the while singing my praises at the top of their lungs .... MOM IS WONDERFUL .... THE BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WORLD .... WORLD'S GREATEST MOM .... FANTASTIC MOM ... but my favorite of all "praises" was from Cherub 6, who said THE BEST MOM I HAVE EVER HAD.
Perhaps that whole 6th labor and delivery
was just a dream ?!?!?
The Cherubs have been outside in the snow ever since ! Who would have thought just 1 1/2 " of snow could bring so much joy to a few Cherubs ?!?!
You are surely the best mom they could have!! What a wonderful way to start a school day! I just love the way the snow brightens up the whole day.
Well....when we hardly EVER get snow...it does bring lots of fun!! :)
sounds super fun!
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