Friday, June 27, 2008

Truly A Gift !!

The Lord sent us a WONDERFUL gift today ! After over 4 weeks without rain, today the dark storm clouds rolled in, and the thunder boomed in the distance ... and THIS time they did not roll past nor did they just simply vanish. Instead, the clouds opened and delivered a half inch of cool, clean, refreshing rain !!

After the storm passed and the rain stopped, we could ALMOST hear all-things-green singing Praises to Him. The birds seemed particularly joyful in their songs.
And this evening, the farm's corn (which looked very withered and rather pitiful) looks SO much better !!

Thank you Lord !!
The Lord just sent us another 1/2" of rain. YAHOOOOO !! The ground soaks it up almost as fast as it falls .... although I do not hear it making any slurping noises, which is good. (HA !)

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